Friday, November 03, 2006

Reality bites!

Only 2 days are left of the Tokyo design exhibition "Design Tide 2006" (via Mocoloco where you can find many pictures of the exhibition, like this modern chandelier). Also found at MoCoLoco: If you thought that Goober Brothers' let's get inventin' was a design realityTV show nightmare... check out the "made in the USA" show, where "inventors" have to create chindogus as a challenge to get a 1 year contract to make more "as seen on TV" (useless) products.


That's the American Dream, but is it still possible? It is now with Made In The USA, television's newest and most ingenious reality program where America's unknown inventors and entrepreneurs get their shot at fame and fortune... and a chance to win a one-year contract with TV shopping network HSN. From the thousands of Made In The USA hopefuls, six teams of two will be chosen to participate in a weekly competition. Over the course of the six-week series, the teams will develop their product from prototype to marketplace-ready. Each week, guest experts will be on hand to evaluate the teams as they undergo challenges and tasks designed to measure their abilities as inventors, collaborators, and marketers.

Oh, yes. The human race is in so much need of a bottle of water inside the shoulder pads of american football gear... many hungry people in Africa would be glad for that invention... it's really a "life saver". This is one for the Guiness records... and a new low for design accountability.

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