SEMAC invites
SEMAC (Sociedad de ergonomistas de Mexico) invites all university students to their
"Encuentro Universitario de Ergonomia". Please note that is not the yearly professional congress, this is for all students interested in learning about ergonomics. I guess it is a great idea and oportunity for students to meet the people who actually work as ergonomists and learn about real applications, job oportunities, advances, etc. We went to a congress in Ciudad Juarez... and it was great. OK, the dates are: 10 and 11th Nov. in Mexico City... that's if the streets are not blocked by perredistas.

HOLA SR. FERNANDO buen dia como esta espero de lo mejor yo soy LEO 25 AÑOS MEXICANO me ire en marzo a NEW ZELAND a vivir bello pais y veo que ud es DISEÑADOR INDUSTRIAL me he tratado de comunicar via mail pero no puedo yo diseño maquinaria agricola manejo el solidworks y un poco inventor mi correo es o GANADERONEWZELAND@HOTMAIL.COM le agradeceria mucho nos pusieramos en contacto un abrazo y de antemano mil gracias.
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