Some alternative titles I had in mind when I was collecting some of these links were: when geeks go fashion / fashion goes geek / Frankie goes to Hollywood, or maybe : Ernest goes to the beach... I am being unPC here but, what is it about fashion and orientation? Has
shaveeverywhere actually became a metro design trend? I mean, for real?! I have no idea if I'm on stage 1 (denial) or stage 5 :
"awesomeness"! He, he.

With all this gizmo frenzy going on, we are reaching a stage when I can only imagine that many people are starting to have different sets of gizmos to
accessorize according to the occasion just like we (kinda) dress differently , i.e. wear an appropriate cell phone/watch/palm/iPod for work/school, parties, evening galas & events, going to the gym, church... etc.

This only demonstrates that many of such gizmos are not utilitarian, they are just fashionable desirable objects/accessories. The Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques (
acm siggraph) organized
UnRavel a very geeky fashion show. I am not going into each project detail... some are well executed, some are
statements of superficiality of
lifestyle, some we may actually
see (or not) in a
near future, some are
chindogus or
art pieces. You can watch a video of the whole show (
Click on "Gallery") or
see some pictures.

One of the most interesting projects is
Day for Night by Studio 5050. (
via) It's quite interesting to read the rationale behind the dress... and I love that is Mac compatible... I wonder if it's PPC or Universal binary? I liked the idea of powering up your gadgets... and the design reference to
Paco Rabanne /
Francoise Hardy is fabulous.
Geek fashion has
evolved and became more
sophisticated since the C:\_RUN> t-shirts or the
barcode t-shirts. Nowadays we even have
geeky girl power! The
CeBit05 video opening was controlled from a dress, or you can subscribe to a RSS site and then get your subscription on a
knitted RSS sweater (
via) but if you want to find out what's new in the geeky fashion industry, next week will be the seamless v.3 fashion show in Boston where you can see some of the projects I just mentioned... and
many new ones!
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