Cardboard science
You know I get very impacient with handymen, technicians, and other trades people who act like replacing an o-ring on a tab it's like rocket science. I loved an advertisment for the Saab Aero-X that said: repairing a saab is not rocket science, but it's close! On a similar line of thought... Building a rocket or a space pod, it's not rocket science!... if you make them out of cardboard:
Paperpod has developed an innovative concept in creative toys & furniture for children. They have produced a range of environmentally friendly, cost effective, sturdy, and practical designs made from recycled corrugated cardboard.
From their range of chairs to the toy fort, dolls house and play house, the beauty lies in their simplicity. They are a blank canvas for children to play, create & decorate using paint, collage, pens & crayons, limited only by imagination.
Everything can be folded flat - an ideal storage solution. Use in the home, childcare setting or school to create a personal touch. Excellent for children's parties!

HOLA SR. FERNANDO buen dia como esta espero de lo mejor yo soy LEO 25 AÑOS MEXICANO me ire en marzo a NEW ZELAND a vivir bello pais y veo que ud es DISEÑADOR INDUSTRIAL me he tratado de comunicar via mail pero no puedo yo diseño maquinaria agricola manejo el solidworks y un poco inventor mi correo es o GANADERONEWZELAND@HOTMAIL.COM le agradeceria mucho nos pusieramos en contacto un abrazo y de antemano mil gracias.
Que tal Leo,
Te acabo de mandar un correo electronico, espero que funcione y lo recibas.
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