Tubofono parafinicocromatico

Here's a neat chindogu, if you want to practice your "putting"... instead of reading or building lego things while you're buisy. That would match the look of Starck's bathroom fittings. Why is it that most designer's websites have those boring flash intros?... and it's imposible to bookmark interesting projects like Roman Gebhard's dark-white studio "Cleanscape" concept proposal for Whirpool. Anyway, I think it's interesting how both projects have a "retro" inspiration, not necesarely in terms of styling but in terms of how things used to be simple, to the point and functional. We saw some of Starck's bathroom fitting at the expo, and my question was: how would they actually look on a house like "sorteo TEC"?
I couldn't avoid starting laughing out loud when imagining Raul or Fernando listening to the Northern Tigers... a clear example of how democracy would work taken as a rule for everything!
Well, that is the problem with government funded TV... the new budget gives 15 mi more for "quality local TV including music videos" That means: more NZ Idols, more shortland street, more Goober Brothers, more Dei Hamo and Eminemo P music videos.
That's why I also hate that kind of democracy. I believe that media should be ruled by a free market, and not controlled by government policies.
Tigres del Norte? Que te pasa? I love 'em! he, he...
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