There must be some kiwis working at Googleplex... just look at the example of SketchUp... it's just like an average kiwi house to the last detail: boring weatherboards, the house looks like a shoebox, landscape, even the barby!!! Definately, that must be the work of a kiwi master builder.
I usually do not write about these kind of gizmos or software, but I think it is interesting to put your CAD model into GoogleEarth pictures. There's no mac version yet, but I am not sure what's the idea behind freeware like that. I mean, the reviews about writely or googlepages haven't been good... I don't think that this freeware can compare to a "real" CAD program. However, It sounds interesting for exploring how projects might look like when put into their surroundings. I guess this could be useful for some students who haven't actually been to the city center.
Speaking of students. Next tuesday (May 2nd), there's a coctail party to open this year's final exibition of Architecture and Industrial Design Students' projects from ITESM campus Guadalajara. Patio del Ex-convento del Carmen, Ave. Juárez 638, Zona Centro... because of the time difference it could be a good excuse to celebrate my birthday.

Speaking of students. Next tuesday (May 2nd), there's a coctail party to open this year's final exibition of Architecture and Industrial Design Students' projects from ITESM campus Guadalajara. Patio del Ex-convento del Carmen, Ave. Juárez 638, Zona Centro... because of the time difference it could be a good excuse to celebrate my birthday.
You know I also hate AutoCad... but now they bought AliasWavefront, so... I guess, I will never get to see a mac version of studiotools.
At first, I was frustrated when I started using AshlarVellum... but now I find it quite nice... there are still some things that I liked best on form.z, mainly because those features are very simple to do on form.z and more complicated on Ashlar... but it does the job... when it doesn't crash!
I guess the issue is that, there is no "do it all" software... and those programs which try to have it all... they become unpractical or too expensive... there's even a commercial version of sCatsup... for almost 500 Bucks!
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