out of the box

You may say that there's nothing new with that. Well, ideologies behind all revolutions evolve over a period of time, before they are ripe, and then comes some sort of cathalist... and Presto! That is the same kind of story as for many other discoveries... first, some one invents the steam engine, then some one else the rubber wheels, another the power gears... and so on, then someone combines them all into a horseless buggy (automobile).

- "The Human Shelter Innovation Institute (HSII) is a think tank dedicated to creating alternative solutions to the growing global problem of inadequate human shelter.
- The primary mission of HSII is to explore designs that make use of alternative materials, technologies and manufacturing techniques. The goal will be to create an aesthetic for the future based on energy efficient, eco friendly and affordable design concepts that embrace appropriate technologies."
A couple of weeks back, I browsed through his site... and I was thrilled by some of his projects. I can easily imagine some internet observatories at some main cities of this planet... instead of those ugly telecom free-webcam cabins.
Wouldn't it be nice to see pedestrian bridges like these time space transformation foot bridge in our cities? unlike some pedestrian crossings that are monuments to the "unknown inept polititian". Sorry I didn't had time to take pictures of the new crossing at Mariano Otero and Periferico in Guadalajara... it's 6 lanes each side (3-3/3-3) but the peds bridge only crosses the 6 lanes in the middle, so people has to cross in front of the cars the first 3 lanes, then go over the bridge, and then "torear" again their way out of the last 3 lanes.
What about shaded parking lots like this wind shade roof on every mall? instead of the ugly empty platforms... it even generates power for whatever is inside! I always complain about the "american style" parking lots with not even a small hint of green... Is a tree too much to ask!?? It's a horrible experience for the senses that our first contact with a mall, a supermarket or many other public spaces... is struggling to find a parking spot... on a horrible and tight parking lot... then walk, under the sun, rain or inside a sterile grey space... until finaly reaching the sliding doors to a multimillion building, which the architect didn't care about how people get into it. Then the same story when you leave, only to find out that your car was scratched by the door of the SUV on the next spot... and that getting inside the car is like throwing yourself into an oven!
Don't even let me get started on matters of dwelling... like I said, I'll better write something about that later.
Last but not least, this just in: I received the press release of this project called "winery". it just gave me a strong craving for californian wine... A bottle of Ernesto & Julio Gallo's cabernet sauvignon wouldn't be a be bad idea... to help ponder why we are still living like caveman when there's the technology and the people to make the future come true.

Last but not least, this just in: I received the press release of this project called "winery". it just gave me a strong craving for californian wine... A bottle of Ernesto & Julio Gallo's cabernet sauvignon wouldn't be a be bad idea... to help ponder why we are still living like caveman when there's the technology and the people to make the future come true.
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