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Good advise for young (and not so young) designers from this ZDF's Heute Journal TV reportage on young designer talents at the Internationale Möbelmesse in Köln last week (via). It's a good idea to have a special hall for young talents with fresh ideas. There are some interesting furniture ideas there. MoCo Loco has 5 picture galleries of the IMMC where you can see some of the best stands. Altough, I must tell you that I was a little bit disapointed with Vitra... Na ja!
Also via MoCo Loco, I found this amazing furniture set for children from P' Kolino. I just love the colours and simple shapes... it clearly fulfills the design precept: "allow the user to modify and arrange the product in creative ways, stimulating their ingenuity".
Speaking of stimulating your brain... If your brain is one of those old models (like mine), that sometimes let's you down with no apparent reason at all. No worries... you can always rely on gizmos like this "universal decision maker" . I always wanted one of those small guillotine decision makers featured on the movie Brazil... but it's time to go digital.

Speaking of stimulating your brain... If your brain is one of those old models (like mine), that sometimes let's you down with no apparent reason at all. No worries... you can always rely on gizmos like this "universal decision maker" . I always wanted one of those small guillotine decision makers featured on the movie Brazil... but it's time to go digital.
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