Next monday will start a week workshop at ITESM called DR3 (Design-recycle, reuse, etc...) I am not familiar with sustainability, but it sounds fun. All students from all semesters are set into small teams to develop a prototype in just one week. I'll post some more info on the workshop during the week.
I think it would be a good idea to have a look at the winners of designboom's competition Re-think, re-use, there are several good ideas that may be good inspiration.
Here are some interesting sites with info on sustainable design:
Sustainable materials database by CSBR
5 steps to innovative sustainable design by McDonough
Sustainable industrial design and Inspiration by Loughborough University
Duct tape fashion5 steps to innovative sustainable design by McDonough
Sustainable industrial design and Inspiration by Loughborough University
Centre for sustainable design
Designboom's gallery on Shigeru Ban's furniture
Designboom's Re-think + re-cycle
A to Z of Materials
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