Lado A, lado B

The presentations were last saturday. First, each student voted for the best project within the group. There were 6 groups. Then, all teachers reviewed the 12 best, and voted. There were 2 rounds of votes to select 3 winners and 3 honorable mentions. All projects will be published and the best will travel to Rome. Everybody asks about the cost of sending "Toña la gorda" by plane... she will need 2 tickets! Toña the fat one, is a sofa made out of an old propane tank! She's about 200kg.
After judging, there was the compulsory party. The architecture student's union organized the party. But they forgot to tell grandma! We were just about to open the first beers, when an old lady came to the teacher's table and said: "Excuse me gentlemen, what are you doing in my house? It is the first time that some strangers just come in here" - Well, your niece organized this party, we even have some tickets here... is this the address? -But my niece is just an escuincla (small girl) to have a party with so many (older) friends...
We just sat there very seriously... for 20 minutes the situation was bit tense. The niece went to her room to change... and her friends were urging her by mobile to come downstairs. We started to joke and imagine when she asked her granny for permission: Abue, may I have a garden party next week? -Of course my dear... just let me see my "novela" (soap opera).
There were tacos with "guisos de la olla": mole, rajas, tongue, beans, asada, etc. I took one of each... and a big glass of jamaica. I will post something about mexican food later... there are so many delicious meals to enjoy!

Hang over next day? Not at all... but my iBook got sick... the cable that connects to the monitor broke. Poor thing spent the whole week at the doctor... but is now running like new. I was impressed with a 17" powerbook that had a broken monitor! The owner must have put on something really heavy over that poor thing! I hope that Santa will bring me a miniMac this Christmas... I guess the deal it's going to be a MiniCooper for my wife to get even! Not so lucky was my video camera... Canon doesn't want to sell spare parts to private repair shops, all repairs should be at their own workshops... or buy a new camera!
na ja,
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