Designical irony

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'round design | ![]() |
...a warm cup of coffee, good music on the background... Now let's have a relaxed, informal conversation about design.
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| Master Car Design |
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| Mid – University Master Course in Interior Design |
DAZ Studio is a feature rich 3D figure posing and animation tool that enables users of any skill level to easily create stunning digital imagery.One of my favourite freeware suggestions for Roberto was Scratch. It's an interactive content creator for children that uses "script blocks" instead of worrying about writing the scripts. This allows them to create their own games and movies, by creating new content or by "remixing" other people's projects... although not just kids can use it to create games or animations.Whether you're a 3D newbie or an avid 3D artist, you'll find DAZ Studio is the perfect tool for designing unique digital art and animation with virtual people, animals, props, vehicles, backgrounds and more. DAZ Productions originated as the Poser-production division of Zygote Media Group, Inc., in Provo, Utah where the content included within Poser 3 and 4 was born. After creating the default content for MetaCreations, Daz developed the "Millennium Woman" Victoria and the "Millennium Man" Michael figures. In December of 2000, DAZ branched off from Zygote, and became a freestanding corporation.
Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -ciao- and share your creations on the web. Scratch is designed to help young people (ages 8 and up) develop 21st century learning skills. As they create Scratch projects, young people learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also gaining a deeper understanding of the process of design. Scratch is available free of charge, go to Download. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Intel Foundation, and MIT Media Lab research consortia.
Diplomado de Ecodiseño – UDES Puebla
UDES Universidad de Ciencias y Desarrollo, con sede en la ciudad de Puebla, convoca al Diplomado de Ecodiseño.
Objetivo: Propiciar el interés de los estudiantes y profesionistas de los diferentes campos del diseño por los problemas ambientales y sociales que en la actualidad estamos enfrentando, así como explorar alternativas dentro de su ámbito profesional y académico utilizando herramientas que permitan realizar un diseño ecológico y socialmente comprometido.
Contenido temático:
1. Problemática ambiental, ecología social. Experiencias y alternativas ecológicas.
2. Métodos de análisis de materiales y ciclo de vida de los diseños.
3. Sensibilización y estimulación a la creatividad. El consumo, lo social y lo cultural.
4. Aplicación y prácticas hacia un diseño ecológico.
Dirigido a: Estudiantes y profesionistas del diseño
Duración: 100 hrs. / 13 semanas
Cupo Mínimo: 15 alumnos.
Impartido por: Lic. Haydeé Girón Rivas, Mtra. María Laura Goñi, Mtro. Ricardo A. Pino Hidalgo y Lic. Nora Souza Baamonde; con la participación de la Mtra. María Laura Peña como invitada.
Fechas: Del 24 de octubre 2008 al 21 de febrero 2009
Horario: Viernes de 16 a 20 hrs. y sábados de 10 a 14 hrs.
Costos: Inscripción $ 2000.00 y 4 pagos de $ 1000.00
L.D.I Jabin Mora Espinosa
Cordinación Diseño Industrial
Tel : (222) 576 14 26 ext. 107
33 Poniente 1306-A, Col .Volcanes
Puebla, Pue.
“The LHC is a discovery machine,” said CERN Director General Robert Aymar, “its research programme has the potential to change our view of the Universe profoundly, continuing a tradition of human curiosity that’s as old as mankind itself.”
"Semantics can sometimes be a problem, because they don’t always accurately describe what we need to say. Conversely, emotions are difficult to convey in words. For a long time, there was a school of thought surrounding what was called “color emotion.” Now that term has changed because it’s been found to be inaccurate.The emotions that colors convey are not the same thing as semantics. The relationship between color and the psychological response of the person seeing it has been studied for a long time, though, and people are always trying to come up with new and better ways to describe what they see and what they feel. To that end, color-emotion exercises have been created that are designed to work with both semantics and emotion. These ask people to rate how they feel when they look at a particular color and give insight into what a lot of colors mean and how individuals can expect to feel when they are presented with certain colors, along with why that occurs. ...
In short, color emotion deals with words like happiness, anxiety, and excitement, and color semantics is involved with term such as heavy, light, warm, cool, passive, and active. The distinction, though, is not always an easy one to make, and most people will say that color gives them a certain emotion because of the way it feels. This ties emotions and semantics together very tightly, and it looks like this will always be the way where color is concerned. For some people it has deep meaning and for others it simply provides comfort or a smile, but it generally always evokes some type of feeling."
Autodesk University offers the world’s broadest curriculum of technical content designed specifically for Autodesk product users. Enroll early to make sure you get the classes and labs you want: Many offerings—nearly all of which are AU exclusives—fill up quickly. With more than 640 multi-level classes and labs organized in 20 discipline-specific tracks, you can easily customize your learning experience by choosing classes that are just right for you and your organization. Plus, class handouts and website downloads from AU Online make it easy to share the knowledge with your team. The AU 2008 curriculum offers 65 more classes than last year—and the number of hands-on labs has swelled to 80, a 20-percent increase from AU 2007.
The Industrial Design curriculum offers a full scope of classes covering software techniques, design methodology, and creative inspiration. We are interested in providing design insight for product engineers and strategies for interdisciplinary collaboration within product teams.
More information about the jury at:
The DECT Forum would like to encourage students’ creative thinking to conceive the future of home communication. There is almost no limit on the creative and innovative opportunities of the CAT-iq technology. The home communication industry is challenging participants in the competition in two basic areas:
“DECT Forum grants that inventors will stay owner of their own ideas. We will promote and market the best entries but will not claim intellectual property rights. This means that design students can not only win excellent cash prizes but additionally, the companies, who are sponsoring the competition will be interested to identify talented students for opportunities in their own organizations, says Erich Kamperschroer, Chairman of the DECT Forum.
For the winners of the CAT-iq Design Competition these prizes are available:
The registration closes on September 19, 2008. The deadline for the submission of entries is October 10, 2008. Winners will be announced on November 14, 2008. Interested design students find all details and contacts at and (via)