Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've been looking forward for today's start of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

“The LHC is a discovery machine,” said CERN Director General Robert Aymar, “its research programme has the potential to change our view of the Universe profoundly, continuing a tradition of human curiosity that’s as old as mankind itself.”

quark flavorsI have my own theories... and lots of questions and doubts about the current particle models... and I guess that scientists have even more questions and doubts. earth advisory boardOne thing is for sure: there will be no black hole devouring the earth! (at least that's what the renowned M.C. Hawking says by endorsing the informative LHC rap) If that were the case, we all would have miniature black holes like freckles, from exposure to cosmic rays! Anyway, I prepared a kaleidoscopic tribute to this milestone: Leptons, Quarks, Strings (unfinished) and even a Feynman "penguin" diagram. Enjoy.

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