You probably have heard about some robot challenges like soccer games, mazes, and robot demolition derbies... but we're rapidly approaching the era of fembot's pillowfights and mud-wrestling. Sega Toys just released an
info pack (2008年06月12日) about their "new"
Eternal Maiden Actualization (
E.M.A.) which is in fact just an updated or localized version of
WowWee's Femisapien, a
fembot that can blow kisses.
FT (FemaleType) on the other hand, is a very sexy "top model" robot developed by
RoboGarage at Kyoto University.
"FT is the result of Tomotaka Takahashi’s desire to create a female type robot. I took over a year of development by Takahashi, who believes that half of all robots will be “female” in the near future. FT’s parts were designed specially to express a lean, feminine body line. Twenty-three motors, controlled by an onboard computer allow FT to move gracefully; SHIN-Walk enable her to walk like a woman. In addition, Takahashi consulted with professional fashion models to make FT’s movements even more lifelike." Watch the
video of FT on a fashion catwalk...
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