Eating disorders
When I was in jurassic-school, I just hated when I had to ask someone for a pencil or pen, and they offered me a pencil that was all chewed! Yuck!!!... It's disgusting. Pencils with no eraser left had always bite marks so that the small bit of eraser trapped inside could come out. That just didn't (and still doesn't) make any sense to me: Why people have pencils with no eraser, when they carry a separate normal eraser gum anyway? It's a similar mistery as why car manufacturers still put turning lights on automobiles, when (almost) nobody uses them. Anyway, for those who carry around an eraser, but still like to bite on pens and pencils (or their nails) here are a couple of ideas for your cravings:
Din-ink, designed by andrea cingoli + paolo emilio bellisario + cristian cellini + francesca fontana from Italy, was one of the three winners of designboom's competition "dining in 2015":
Din-ink, designed by andrea cingoli + paolo emilio bellisario + cristian cellini + francesca fontana from Italy, was one of the three winners of designboom's competition "dining in 2015":
At the time when I was studying in Germany, those edible plates started to appear. So, the traditional Imbiss "pommes" were served on those biodegradable plates. One day I decided to take a bite out of one... I almost fainted! They taste horrible! Those plates look like ice-cream cones, but they're not the same stuff. Anyway, I think it's a great material, and we should probably be looking into more ways of using that kind of material in more applications for food handling, storage, packaging and serving. Anyway... not from the land of chocolate but from the land of Takoyaki comes this delicious chocolate pencils set by Nendo. Instead of graphite hardness grades, it's the cocoa blend what makes the different colours on each pencil."Turn your favourite office tool from your desk in a common cutlery...this is din-ink. A set of pen caps, including a fork-cap, a knife-cap and a spoon-cap, that replaces the normal pen cap during lunch time! All caps are made by annually renewable resources, like natural starch and fibres, to be 100% biodegradable and atoxic, warranting the best alimentary use. Dispensing each set in a compostable packaging the whole set is designed to respect the environment. Now give your office ballpoint pen a good excuse to be gnawed by your teeth: use them for din-ink." (via)
Just don't carry them on the front pocket of your shirt.Chocolate-pencils is a collaboration with patissier Tsujiguchi Hironobu, the mastermind behind popular dessert shops like Mont St. Claire and Le Chocolat de H. Tsujiguchi created a new dessert based on his impression of nendo after conversations with us, and we designed new tableware for them. We wanted our plates to show off the beauty of meals and desserts like a painting on a canvas. Based on this idea, our "chocolate pencils" come in a number of cocoa blends that vary in intensity, and chocophiles can use the special "pencil sharpener" that comes with our plate to grate chocolate onto their dessert. Pencil filings are usually the unwanted remains of sharpening a pencil, but in this case, they're the star! (almost via)
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