...a warm cup of coffee, good music on the background... Now let's have a relaxed, informal conversation about design.
On the May 14, 2007, the new Library and Media Center for the Universidad de Guadalajara (state university) in the city of Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico was finally opened to the public. This building was designed by Raul Juarez Perezlete (AAD Columbia University 1994), Heriberto Hernandez Ochoa and Jorge Hernandez Luquin, partners of the mexican design studio LeAP (www.leap.com.mx) with offices in Guadalajara and Mexico City.This building is a pioneer in the implementation of standarized norms for accesibiliy for people with dissabilties; it has a set of ramps and aisles specially designed to make it 100% accesible. It will have a collection of 120,000 books, dvds, and videos in a total surface of 5,346 sqM, making it the biggest public library in the western region of Mexico, second only to the recently opened Central Library Jose Vasconcelos in Mexico City.
posted by Fernando Vallejo at 12:03 am
Nice blog!!Architecture is the mom of industrial design so, we have to think in global way like arch. does
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Nice blog!!
Architecture is the mom of industrial design so, we have to think in global way like arch. does
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