I have absolutely no idea
how they calculate the infamous "
carbon footprint". Even the name seems to me a bit odd and a bad choice of semantics, and
googleing it didn't help much. Makes me feel as if we all are a bunch of "big foot" ...when it's a problem of physiology / forensics. A "footprint" or a "fingerprint" should always be identical in size and shape to the bodypart that generated the impression. Any "CSI" fan should know that, in fact, the whole forensics thing is based on that principle... you will always have the same fingerprints or footprints, and you can't change it. So, by implication, the only way of reducing the footprint size or shape is by mutilation! In other words, if you want to wear size 4 shoes when you are currently size 9, means you would have to cut off your toes! It's anatomically impossible to reduce one's footprint unless you have some kind of surgery to deform your body.
Then, this other issue:
why is the carbon footprint larger than the organism that makes it? It doesn't make any sense. A footprint can not be larger than the bodypart. When I walk on the beach, my footprints are the same size as my sandals.

I could try to
learn the art of kung-fu to walk over rice paper without leaving a trace... but my footprint would still be the same size, even when it doesn't leave any mark on the paper. Again: the idea of a reducing a carbon footprint has a bad semantic. They should have consulted
Marina for a better choice of words, she certainly knows about the impact of body parts on the environment. So, why not describe "that"... (
Hey! I'm talking about the carbon footprint here!!! ) as "
carbon shadow", objects can cast a longer or shorter shadow, maybe "
environmental impact profile" or "
carbon emissions index" etc. I wish she decides to investigate that one day.

If you
feel guilty of having an iPod (
all iPod models have a terrible carbon shadow (aka footprint) For example, the tini-tiny
iPod nano has a huge carbon shadow of 31 kg (68 pounds) CO2 already. Can you imagine
how many more footprints it leaves all the way from the factory to your hands? anyway, if you are thinking about getting one of those speaker cradles for your iPod. Well, here's a good option to compensate for all those nasty graphite skid-marks: The
MAGNO Radios designed by Singgih Kartono. "
He chooses wood for his radios not just based on aesthetics but on his appreciation of wood's simplicity and organic vitality. The Magno radio combines the most current mp3 player compatible electronics with sustainable grown woods." The radios are manufactured by skilled craftspeople in Indonesia, also supporting their jobs. If you are going to pay for an overpriced radio, I guess this is a "greener" option than the
Tivoli Model One...
I just love the looks of those, but I am still not convinced of the high price for a boxed radio or a mono aural radio! The Magno on the other hand, looks and feels to be more honest and sincere.
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