Once again, the mexican society of ergonomists SEMAC invites everyone to their
IX international ergonomics congress from april 25 to 28 in Mexico city. The so called "pre-congress" includes several
workshops. It might also be a good opportunity to visit the
Franz Mayer Museum in Mexico city, but you have to be there a couple of weeks earlier to see a true design classic:
Eero Aarnio's exhibition
"Pop Fantasies".

An historical meeting will be
ASABE's 2007 Annual International Meeting. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineer’s (ASABE) Annual International Meeting (
AIM) will be honoring 100 years of tradition, educational excellence and opportunities as it opens it doors June 17-20 in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was looking forward for that, but it seems that money will be too tight for me to attend. We'll see.
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