7 Bad diabetic design

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...a warm cup of coffee, good music on the background... Now let's have a relaxed, informal conversation about design.
The logic of what is sometimes called, in typically 'pedantic' language, the 'reading' of a work of art, offers an objective basis for this opposition. Consumption is, in this case, a stage in a process of communication, that is an act of deciphering, decoding, which presupposes practical or explicit mastery of a cipher or code. In a sense, one can say that the capacity to see (voir) is a function of the knowledge (savoir ), or concepts, that is, the words, that are available to name visible things, and which are, as it were, programmes for perception. A work of art has meaning and interest only for someone who possesses the cultural competence, that is, the code, into which it is encoded. Pierre BourdieuWhat it means is, that everyone of those groups has a cultural code that is unique to that group. Works of art, objects, slang and many other cultural expressions use those codes. That's the reason why certain objects or kinds of music are pleasant or unpleasant for us, it depends if we are able to decipher that code (cultural competence). Emotional design is about finding codes that can awaken pleasant emotions, like I said... the stuff that can make a need become a want... or make a want out of no need.
Although the MED is somehow focused on the tourism industry, the idea that cultural experiences (here I am referring to objects and not touristic places) can be managed, planned, and designed to generate a planned result (in this case consumption) confirms the point that objects become meaningful or meaningless through their usage. It means, that design constraints should also consider the cultural value, and cultural practices associated with those products. At the end, it's not form or function what makes a product valuable.HUMANITIES
This module intends to refine the sensitivity towards the cultural experience, through the encounter of the knowledge on productions with representative methods of the talent in the various cultural activities.
This module offers a base of knowledge and solutions to select and use the most innovative technologies in order to develop cultural experiences by improving them.
This module provides the tools to understand the various aspects and peculiarities characterising subjects and producers of cultural experiences.
This module is aimed at building competence in the creation of value within a very special and delicate field, where usage can’t generate consumption.
MED has the objective to train designers-managers designing tools for fruition and communication, organising and managing experiences, by proposing new and technologically advanced modalities to enhance the cultural goods. In this framework, the designers-managers will also acquire the skills to create new cultural meanings for the recently industrially developed cities.