Würste und Gesetze
'round design |
...a warm cup of coffee, good music on the background... Now let's have a relaxed, informal conversation about design.
Fact: there are 900 million batteries used each year in the UK alone and many are in toys.
- Fact: Only 2% of batteries are currently recycled - the rest end up in landfill sites and are poisoning our planet!
- Fact: Kids love electronic toys!
- The problem: How do we give children what they desire but without poisoning our planet?
- The solution: - ecotronic toys - batteryless electronic toys! The face of the toy world is about to change forever!
"MySpace isn't exactly at the peak of its popularity, but there are still tons of people who use it. What if they just pulled everything? What if Google bought Facebook and decided to kill it? What if your Tweets vanished? Sure these things seem unlikely now because these services are still fresh. Well, GeoCities was once the "it" thing too."Wetpaint's bailout plan (via) to "save" some of the lost properties seems like a good option... if only they were not partners with the Evil Empire too.
In support of the University of Auckland’s new partnership with UN-HABITAT (www.unhabitat.org), the University will be celebrating World Habitat Day on Monday 5th of October.World Habitat Day provides us with an opportunity to think about the state of urban settlements at home and around the world. The day aims to increase collective awareness of the human habitat and encourage greater responsibility for its sustainable future. This year’s theme highlights the forces which currently influence the development of the world’s urban settlements, in both developed and developing countries. As the world’s population living in urban areas steadily increases, issues of climate change, poverty, resource depletion, social exclusion, food insecurity and economic instability become more pressing and have the potential to significantly impact on our urban settlements well into the future.In an effort to encourage public participation on this day, the University, with the support of Engineers Without Borders and Architecture for Humanity, is launching a photo competition around this year’s theme, ‘Planning Our Urban Future’. Participants of this competition will generate a creative photographic response to the following question:
‘What are the challenges to creating a sustainable Auckland?’
Contestants are invited to submit a photo with a relevant caption or title highlighting the challenges to creating a sustainable Auckland and suggesting a potential solution to make the city and/or region sustainable for our future generations. Some examples might include, but are not limited to, challenges such as – sustainability, waste, poverty, housing shortage, overcrowding, public transport, accessibility, ecology, renewable energy… and so on. Info and submittions : worldhabitatday@auckland.ac.nz . (download guidelines)
This competition calls for a logo that represents the DREAM Center program of the UNESCO/Tribute 21 Fund. The logo is intended to be used on the program's stationery, brochures, and collateral materials including possibly in video clips, on signage and on the web. UNESCO/Tribute 21 DREAM Centers is an arts education program for children – DREAM stands for Dance, Read, Express, Art, Music. The project was inaugurated in 2003 with the goal of providing underprivileged children, especially in post-conflict regions, the opportunities and tools to express themselves creatively. Submissions until Nov. 17 via the Design 21-Social Design Network only.